

The term vellum from the French veau refers to a parchment made from calf skin.

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Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, Medieval Art

Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry Limbourg Brothers, 1412 – 1416

The Black Hours, Medieval Art

The Black Hours 1460 – 1470

Hours of Henry VIII, Medieval Art

Hours of Henry VIII Jean Poyer, 1500

Still Life with Bowl of Citrons, Giovanna Garzoni

Still Life with Bowl of Citrons Giovanna Garzoni, 1640

My Father Rosse, Susan Penelope Rosse

My Father Rosse Susan Penelope Rosse, 1677

Woman, presumably a Self-portrait, Susan Penelope Rosse

Woman, presumably a Self-portrait Susan Penelope Rosse, 1680

Mrs. Priestman, Susan Penelope Rosse

Mrs. Priestman Susan Penelope Rosse, 1690

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