Themes in Art


At a Book, Marie Bashkirtseff

At a Book Marie Bashkirtseff, 1882

Compendium Rarissimum Totius Artis Magicae, Cover, Western Esoteric Art

Compendium Rarissimum Totius Artis Magicae, Cover 1775

Hours of Henry VIII, Medieval Art

Hours of Henry VIII Jean Poyer, 1500

Outstanding Painter and Architect of the Cities, Albrecht Dürer

Outstanding Painter and Architect of the Cities Albrecht Dürer, 1535

The Black Hours, Medieval Art

The Black Hours 1460 – 1470

Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, Medieval Art

Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry Limbourg Brothers, 1412 – 1416

Two Russian maidens, Natalia Goncharova

Two Russian maidens Natalia Goncharova, 1920

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Grimoires, Themes in Art


Forbidden knowledge

Boats, Themes in Art


Allegory, Themes in Art


Art to illustrate and teach

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