Themes in Art


Forked blade, 璋 (Zhang), Ancient China

Forked blade, 璋 (Zhang) 1800 – 1600BCE

Hafted axe with dragons, Ancient China

Hafted axe with dragons 1200 – 1100BCE

Iron Axe Head, Iron Age

Iron Axe Head 900BCE

King Untash-Napirisha Axe Head, Mesopotamia

King Untash-Napirisha Axe Head 1300BCE

Langeid Sword, Viking Age

Langeid Sword 1030

Mammen Silver-inlaid Axehead, Viking Age

Mammen Silver-inlaid Axehead 970CE

Portrait of Nicholas Anne de Lisle, Marianne Loir

Portrait of Nicholas Anne de Lisle Marianne Loir, 1750

The Palace Guard, Ludwig Deutsch

The Palace Guard Ludwig Deutsch, 1892

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Contrapposto, Themes in Art


Body, language

Allegory, Themes in Art


Art to illustrate and teach

Artists of the African Diaspora, Themes in Art

Artists of the African Diaspora

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