Themes in Art


Automaton with a Pipe, Fortunato Depero

Automaton with a Pipe Fortunato Depero, 1917 – 1920

El Mecánico, Fernand Henri Léger

El Mecánico Fernand Henri Léger, 1920

Girl with cigarette (Rachel Dunn), Agnes Goodsir

Girl with cigarette (Rachel Dunn) Agnes Goodsir, 1925

Head of a Skeleton with a Burning Cigarette, Vincent Van Gogh

Head of a Skeleton with a Burning Cigarette Vincent Van Gogh, 1885 – 1886

Isaac With A Pipe, Sigrid Hjertén

Isaac With A Pipe Sigrid Hjertén, 1911

Kiki de Montparnasse, Man Ray

Kiki de Montparnasse Man Ray, 1920

Man with a Pipe, Gustave Courbet

Man with a Pipe Gustave Courbet, 1860

Man with a Pipe, Jean Metzinger

Man with a Pipe Jean Metzinger, 1913

Musicians playing a Raga for Balwant Dev Singh during the Rainy Season, The Family of Nainsukh

Musicians playing a Raga for Balwant Dev Singh during the Rainy Season The Family of Nainsukh, 1745 – 1750

Nargilah (Hookah), Marcel Janco

Nargilah (Hookah) Marcel Janco, 1947

Prisoner Pipe, Mississippian Culture

Prisoner Pipe 1200 – 1400

Red Man, Bill Traylor

Red Man Bill Traylor, 1940

Self Portrait with Pipe, Gustave Courbet

Self Portrait with Pipe Gustave Courbet, 1848 – 1849

Soldier with a pipe, Fernand Henri Léger

Soldier with a pipe Fernand Henri Léger, 1916

The Blue Room, Suzanne Valadon

The Blue Room Suzanne Valadon, 1923

The Eisenbatti of Remich are leaving, Théo Kerg

The Eisenbatti of Remich are leaving Théo Kerg, 1943

The Parisienne, Agnes Goodsir

The Parisienne Agnes Goodsir, 1924

The Smoker, Ludwig Deutsch

The Smoker Ludwig Deutsch, 1903

The Smokers, Fernand Henri Léger

The Smokers Fernand Henri Léger, 1911 – 1912

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Artist Letters

From the heart to the pen

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