Themes in Art


Arnolfini Portrait, Jan Van Eyck

Arnolfini Portrait Jan Van Eyck, 1434

Dance of Life, Edvard Munch

Dance of Life Edvard Munch, 1899 – 1900

Off for the Honeymoon, Pedro Figari

Off for the Honeymoon Pedro Figari, 1920

The Cathedrals of Fifth Avenue, Florine Stettheimer

The Cathedrals of Fifth Avenue Florine Stettheimer, 1931

In order to find sweetness in the bed on the joyous coverlet, my lady bathes her holy thighs.

The Fertility Ritual of Inana and Iddin-Dagan 1900BCE

The Peasant Wedding, Pieter Bruegel the Elder

The Peasant Wedding Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1568

Wedding Feast in the Nymphs Grotto, Marc Chagall

Wedding Feast in the Nymphs Grotto Marc Chagall, 1961

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